A “New Month” a “New Start” = “A new Website” in October 2022
A a few weeks of deliberation and reviewing different website-builders (i.e. www.Wordpress.com (which I use since 2005) - www.wix.com - www.squarespace.com and www.ghost.io ) and decided to build this new website with www.SquareSpace.com to learn the ins and outs of it and see how it ultimately compares with Wordpress.
It will take a few weeks until the website is in a reasonable state, but I hope use it pretty much with my current clients to
(1) get feedback from you, the class participants and personal coaching customers
(2) learn more about Squarespace
(3) see what neat features it offers
(4) compare it with Wordpress, with which I build 8 other websites ( i.e. www.PilatesDublin.ie, www.PilatesOnline365.com etc.) for myself and various friends and work colleagues in health, fitness and well-being field i.e. a neuro-muscular-therapist, physio-therapy, psychotherapy and counselling.